Mission and Vision

Here at Southwest Washington Accountable Community of Health (SWACH), we are dedicated to the pursuit of health equity, by addressing the barriers that impact well-being in Clark, Klickitat and Skamania counties. Through collaboration, innovation, and community partnerships, we drive sustainable solutions that promote health and wellness for all.

Our vision is a coordinated and community-driven approach to health improvement—where people, organizations, and systems work together to ensure that every community has access to the resources they need for physical, behavioral, economic, and social well-being.

Who We Are

Based in Vancouver WA, SWACH is home to:

By working with Southwest Washington nonprofits, community organizations, and public health leaders, we are creating lasting, community-oriented health improvements across our region.

Our Priorities

  • Work alongside and in support of local communities to increase positive community outcomes

  • Create equitable systems change, driven by community-identified needs

  • Leverage our financial stability and operational excellence to support community partners and members

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