Regional Behavioral Health Services Report

Recently, several stakeholders and community members came together with the goal of outlining the current continuum of care for Behavioral Health Services in our tri-county region. The workgroup had members from behavioral health providers, primary care, Clark County Community Services, hospitals, housing, community members, MCOs and Beacon Health Options.

Together, they worked to identify opportunities to improve coordination, clinical integration, and address gaps in the care continuum. Input and material was gathered from the workgroup participants in a series of four work sessions between July and September 2019.

The Behavioral Health Services report (also called the Behavioral Health Gaps Report) was written to summarize the information which came out of these work sessions and is not a comprehensive needs assessment for our region. This report was funded by SWACH, Amerigroup, Premera via the Community Foundation of SWWA, and Beacon Health Options, with in-kind support from Clark County Department of Community Services.

You can view the full report here, and an overview which was presented at the SWWA Regional Healthcare Advisory Board meeting on January 9, 2020 here.


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