October HealthConnect Updates

HealthConnect is constantly evolving and improving. Read about the latest updates from our innovative program, below.

  • HealthConnect is working with Pathways partner agencies on continuous quality improvement (CQI) reports and agency visits for support and planning. The CQI process supports partners to succeed by fully supporting community members and sustaining by bringing in Outcome-Based Payments for this important work.

  • Our 15 HealthConnect Pathways partners earned over $48,000 dollars worth of Outcome-Based Payments during the month of August.

  • HealthConnect is working with public health, school nurses, and resource coordinators across the three-county region to develop referral partnerships through the HealthConnect Hub that will connect students and their families to Community Based Workers for needed supports.

  • Upcoming HealthConnect Community Workforce Development and Training

    • Common Principles and Practices of CHWs and Peers- Oct. 27 - 28 & Nov. 3 - 4

    • Next HealthConnect Pathways Activation Training- Nov. 14 - 18


Striving for Whole-Person Wellness


October CBW Kudos