October CBW Kudos

At Southwest Washington Accountable Community of Health (SWACH), we are grateful for the work being done by the local community-based workforce. Read October’s kudos below.

Mary Solorio has gone above and beyond as a coworker to help support me and my clients, dropping off supplies, helping me transport, and being willing to drop off paperwork. Thanks Mary!

Abby Brandt has gone above and beyond to support me and my clients this month. Thank you for being willing to spend extra time training me, taking over on days I’m out of work/sick, and answering all of my never-ending questions.

Shawn Kingsbury for always being diligent with the people we serve to support them in new beginnings.

Jennifer Klein for blazing the pathways trail for our organization and never giving up.

Ren Autrey for being our fearless leader and always making sure that we are never left without the answers we need to do our job.

Crystal Drake for stepping into the position and doing whatever it takes to help the people we serve get what they need.

Jammie Havens for always striving to improve on your skills and not being afraid to ask any question to grow.

Lanna (Alanna) has been a wonderful part of our team at WAGAP since she started. One of her participants called me today to say how much of a blessing Lanna has been to her since I introduced them.

She specifically said Lanna has been so helpful and kind that she, the client, is just thankful every time they talk. Her history as a survivor of DV has made accessing medical care challenges. Simple conversations with doctors can make her feel overwhelmed. Lanna helping her schedule appointments, and transportation, supporting her with reminders, and even practicing conversations with doctors has been very impactful.

Lanna does a wonderful job being patient, understanding, and listening with great attention. Thank you to Lanna for being part of our community!

Mary S. did an amazing job promoting the first annual El Grito event in White Salmon, WA this month.

300-400 community members attended the event. There were a dozen community partners from various sectors, as well as tasty treats, live music, and piñatas.

Mary went above and beyond by greeting each person who entered the event. She gave each person an overview of the event, and promoted the nonprofit sponsor, Washington Gorge Action Programs. She made everyone feel welcome!

Thank you, Mary!

KUDOS to Abby Barndt! Thank you for your determination and willingness to make things happen in our community.

Shout Out to Mattew Oakes for his dedication and commitment to serving our community. Matt is my go-to for emergency housing resources!

Charles Hanset goes over and beyond to serve our community consistently on a daily basis.

Charles is an outstanding supervisor and supports and empowers his team on a professional and personal level. He is a true leader as a Recovery Navigator, growing, changing, and modeling what healthy recovery looks like.

Charles does not stop giving to the community when he clocks off at the end of the day. He meets individuals where there are, going to them, and hearing them, seeing them as valued people of worth. He has been known to literally give someone the shirt off his back.

Charles is actively serving our community with his own non-profit Thrive to Survive while he raises his three children and builds a strong relationship with his own family.

He is a man of honor, I am proud to be part of his story and am blessed to have him in my life.


October HealthConnect Updates


The More You Know - Oct. Edition