The More You Know - Sept Resources

While working with community members, you may be looking for additional resources to support them. Brandi Williams, SWACH’s Community-Based Worker Specialist, compiles a list of great resources and opportunities in our community each month. Learn more below.

  • C Tran bus passes (limited availability, contact Brandi at the information below)

  • Multi-Cultural Festival: Saturday, Spt. 17, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Clark College, Gaiser Hall

A quick reminder to CHW’s and supervisors: please send Brandi or Dominique Horn any trainings or conferences you may be interested in attending.

Contact Us

Brandi Williams
Community-Based Worker Specialist

Email Brandi
Phone: 360-972-6818

Dominique Horn
Equity & Collaborative Impact Program Specialist

Email Dominique
Phone: 360-972-6809


The Role of CBWs in Addressing SUD


HealthConnect Updates For September