HealthConnect Data Visualization - July

Each month, the HealthConnect Bulletin provides data visualization. This month, we are including information related to behavioral and mental health services. When reviewing these charts, it’s important to understand two terms and what they mean. Behavioral health, in this context, includes both mental health and Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Mental Health, however, is limited to just mental health topics and doesn’t include SUD.

This chart reflects the status of Behavioral Health Pathways. A pathway is considered closed unsuccessfully when three behavioral health visits weren’t completed. Client successfully connected to services occurs when a client has completed three behavioral health visits. Clients actively seeking behavioral health services includes clients who are actively attending appointments, but hasn’t completed three yet.

49.7% of HealthConnect clients have reported a mental health condition (totaling 688 out of the 1,383 indivudals in the hub). 25.5% of clients have elected to attempt establishing mental health treatment (totaling 352 out of the 1,383 individuals in the hub).


SWACH Statement on Reproductive Health


The More You Know - July Resources