HealthConnect Cohort Year-End Celebration

Every month, we bring together the HealthConnect cohort to provide Community-Based Workers (CBWs) with support, training, and resources. Each December, we use this space to celebrate our cohort and the remarkable work they’ve done.

On Thursday, December 15, 2022, we hosted the cohort at the Keller Williams building in downtown Vancouver. The event was a unique opportunity to network and strengthen relationships across multiple community-based organizations (CBOs).

“We expanded HC Cohort, [growing] from 10 agencies to 19 agencies,” said Nicole Hamberger, HealthConnect Networks Specialist. “This year we were excited to bring everyone together.”

Two individuals talking at the December cohort celebration

Individuals from several HealthConnect partners were in attendance, including SeaMar Community Health Center, Council for the Homeless, Clark-Cowlitz Fire and Rescue, Share, Lifeline Connections, Skamania County Community Health, Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP), Vancouver Housing Authority, Outsiders Inn, Lutheran Community Services Northwest, YWCA, Columbia River Mental Health Services, Recovery Café, MCA HRSA, Next Door, Bridgeview Resource Center, Child and Adolescent Clinic, Free Clinic, Battle Ground HealthCare, and Youth and Family Link.

Attendees networked with their peers from other agencies while enjoying Bingo (with prizes), participating in activities like button making and mural drawing, lunch, and more.

An essential moment of the celebration was recognizing the wins, challenges, and lessons learned from 2022.

This activity split the group up to answer three important questions:

  • Successes or wins you have experienced in your work in 2022

  • Challenges you have experienced in your work in 2022

  • And what have you learned and will take with you in 2023?


Highlights of Successes or Wins

  • Working with wonderful people in mental health

  • Dedication to culturally-sensitive staff

  • Community growth

  • The sheer volume of successful referrals

  • People accessing the COVID-19 vaccine

  • Assisting clients in a timely manner

  • Connecting people to housing

  • Helping people pay their rent/mortgage, buy food, and pay their bills

  • And so much more

Participant sharing highlights for the lessons learned activity.

Highlights of Challenges in 2022

  • Misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine

  • Staffing challenges and turnover

  • High caseloads

  • Accessing housing for clients

  • “Red tape”

  • Support and resources for specific or unique situations

  • The learning curve for the career and lack of training

  • COVID-19 resources drying up

  • Breaking down siloed programs

Lessons for 2023

  • The importance of self-care

  • Finding hope, and celebrating the “wins”, however small they may be

  • Encouraging empathy and collaboration

  • It is ok to ask for help

  • Leverage/use your network

  • Meet people where they are, and don’t make assumptions

The answers from these three questions highlight how incredible this cohort is. They are tasked with doing hard things, in a multi-year pandemic, without being able to fully anticipate what comes next. SWACH is incredibly grateful for the CBWs we work with. Their willingness to show up, strive to improve our community, and genuinely care about people is inspiring. We simply couldn’t do this work without them.

Photo of people making buttons - one of the activities available at the event.

As we head into the new year, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate this remarkable HealthConnect Cohort. They really are making a difference in the lives of people across Southwest Washington. SWACH is proud to support their work and looks forward to what this talented group will accomplish in the year-to-come.


HealthConnect Updates - January


Dec. The More You Know - Important Resources