Workgroups and Committees
Collaboration is key to transforming health and health equity in Clark, Klickitat and Skamania Counties. SWACH helps convene a variety of workgroups and committees to tackle our region’s most significant health challenges. Visit the links below to find details, documents and other resources related to these groups.
Board of Trustees
SWACH is governed by a community-based Board of Trustees. Access documents and information on the Board of Trustees page.
RHIP Council
The Regional Health Improvement Plan Council (RHIP) works to develop regional health improvement plans for the communities served by the Southwest Washington Accountable Community of Health (SWACH) and its partners can learn, plan, and act collectively to achieve shared goals. More information is available on the RHIP Council page.
SWACH Learning Community on the WA Portal
The SWACH Learning Community on the Healthier Washington Collaboration Portal provides a virtual space to support SWACH partners in the implementation of transformation activities. A variety of SWACH-supported initiatives use the WA Portal to collaborate and communicate. Visit our landing page for more information.