Strengthening Rural Health in Southwest Washington

Community Health Improvement is seeking proposals for programs or initiatives that strengthen a rural health network of community and health-based organization addressing rural health needs.

Date Issued: January 6, 2025

Due Date: February 14, 2025

Webinar Dates: 

January 22, 2025
Recording available online

Individuals interested in applying are encouraged to review details and important information, below.

  • To best assist organizations interested in applying for this funding opportunity, we are providing three options for how an application can be submitted. Applicants should only apply using one of the ways listed below. All options will be scored and considered using the same criteria.

    Form application: The form application is a single-page application that can be saved as many times as needed before submitting. Applicants are encouraged to review the application questions and either type responses directly into the form or type them into a separate Word document and then copy and paste their replies. The button to save responses is next to the submit button at the bottom of the application. Access the form application.

    Word document: Applicants can also apply using a Word document application, which can be downloaded from our website. The word document version includes the same questions. If applying with a word document, please submit your complete application and budget to by the deadline.

    Video: Organizations can also apply using a video, if that is preferred. There are no specific requirements for the video other than it must be sent in a way that is publicly accessible (so our committee can review it) and it needs to answer each question in the application. Videos must be accompanied by a completed budget template as well. Videos will be scored the same as other submission options. Videos and budgets must be received by the same deadline, and can be emailed to

  • Completed application (either through form submission, Word document, or video).

    Submitted budget (either included in your form submission or emailed).

  • Applications will be reviewed by a Selection Committee comprised of community members representing multiple community-based organizations in Southwest Washington:


    Recovery Café of Clark County

    Skamania County Community Health

    The Next Door

    Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP)

    Due to the nature of this Request for Proposal funding rural communities, and the Committee reflecting those communities, the organizations’ committee members represent are eligible to apply and be considered for funding. To safeguard against potential conflict of interest, committee members are asked to sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Commitment Form and to recuse themselves from scoring any organization/application they are involved with. 

    See how the Committee will be scoring applications via the Scoring Matrix

  • Definitions for this application include: 

    Behavioral health consultants: Provides rapid access to brief behavioral health interventions.  

    Co-location: A collaborative care model in which a patient’s primary care and behavioral health care providers are in the same physical location, and may include shared space, staff, and equipment. 

    Collaborative care: A spectrum of care models that aim to help improve the organization, management, and outcomes of patient care.  

    Collective resources: Resources created by pooling individual resources to work towards a common goal.  

    Health: The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual, cultural and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or illness. 

    Health equity: Health equity means that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. This requires removing obstacles to health such as poverty, discrimination, and their consequences, including powerlessness and lack of access to good jobs with fair pay, quality education and housing, safe environments, and health care. 1 

    Integrated care: A collaborative care model where medical care and behavioral health care providers fully integrate their practices, often sharing electronic health records and jointly managing patients, allowing patients to receive whole-person care in one plan. 

    Rural population: All people, housing, territory that are not within an urban area is considered rural. 

    Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes (RUCA): Classify U.S. census tracts using measures of urbanization, population density, and daily commuting from the decennial census. 2 

    Telecare: The use of telecommunication technology to deliver healthcare services across different disciplines within a single healthcare system, allowing patients to access both physical and behavioral health care remotely, often through video or phone consultations, all coordinated under one care plan.  

    Urban area: Urbanized area with a population of 50,000 or more, or an urban cluster with a population between 2,500 and 49,999.    

    Workforce framework: A common language to describe the work of a particular domain along with defining what workers need to know or be able to do to complete that work. 

     Unsure of phrases or terms used in the RFP? Contact us at

  • What if my organization isn’t a nonprofit? We encourage potential applicants to note if they are working towards a 5013c status and how that connects with their application, where applicable. Fiscal agents are also allowed for entities that do not have their own 5013c.