RFP: Business Strategy & Planning


PLEASE NOTE: the opportunity to submit an RFP closed on February 19, 2021.

Southwest Washington Accountable Community of Health (SWACH) is pleased to invite qualified consultants/organizations to submit a proposal for the development of a business plan that leverages assets of SWACH and builds upon its core competencies. 

The successful consulting organization will:

  • Identify and determine optimal business opportunities, potential competitors, and revenue potential to expand SWACH’s portfolio of services, and
  • Develop a business plan which will provide a 12-month implementation plan, with a launch date in 2021, and define opportunities to support a sustainable future for SWACH.

Schedule for Submissions, Review & Award Announcement

The SWACH RFP process is as follows:

  • 02/02/21: Public notice of the SWACH Business Consultant RFP
  • 02/10/21: Interested organizations will communicate their intention to respond to by barbe.west@southwestach.org by 5:00p PST
  • 02/19/21: Submission of clarifying questions closes, with all questions received by barbe.west@southwestach.org by 5:00p PST
  • 02/26/21: Public answers to clarifying questions will be provided to interested organizations
  • 03/12/21: RFP responses due, received by barbe.west@southwestach.org by 5:00p PST
  • 03/12/2021 - 03/19/2021:  Internal review of  proposals
  • 03/19/2021 - 03/29/2021:  Interviews with finalists (2-3).
  • 03/31/2021:  Presentation to Sustainability Work Group-final candidate
  • 04/07/2021: Notify Successful Candidate and Candidates not selected
  • Final candidate will be announced no later than April 7, 2021.


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SWACH Community Care Worker Learns Valuable Lessons in Quarantine and Isolation Motel Work