Nov. HealthConnect Updates

As part of the November HealthConnect Bulletin, we wanted to provide important updates about the hub.

  • Chronic Disease and Chronic Pain self-management programs in the SWACH region have been strengthened through a partnership with DSHS. Funding includes participation incentives to lower barriers - $50 to participate in the first of six workshops and an additional hundred dollars to complete at least four of the six workshops.

  • HealthConnect community-based workforce development training, Common Principles and Practices of CHWs and Peers was scheduled for October 27th- 28th & November 3-4th. There were 21 CBWs registered representing the following partner agencies: Columbia River Mental Health, Lifeline Connections, Council for the Homeless, Seamar, VHA, WAGAP, YWCA Clark County, Battle Ground HealthCare, Recovery Café, Youth and Family Link (MCA).

  • Brandi Williams and Dominique Horn lead the first HealthConnect-sponsored networking and professional development opportunity. A group of 9 CHWs representing 5 different agencies (Outsiders Inn, Youth and Family Link (MCA), LCSNW, YWCA, and WAGAP) traveled to Minnesota for a conference on Trauma Informed Care. 

  • Trauma Informed Schools Institute Virtual Attendance Opportunity is available via live stream. Recorded access began on Nov. 3.

    • Log-in info: Username: SWACHCBW    Password: HealthConnect2022#


The More You Know - November


SWACH Narcan Vending Machines in the News