June CBW Highlight

As part of the HealthConnect Bulletin, we are excited to highlight the work of our amazing partners. This month, we are highlighting the experiences of Johanna Karnoski from Council for the Homeless.

[SWACH]: Describe your role as a CBW with your organization
[Karnoski]: My role at Council for the Homeless is Housing Specialist/Pathways. As a CBW I assist folks 55+ in overcoming barriers to housing and care and assistance toward health goals for the participant.

The goal is to help folks get housed and set up wrap around supports to help the participant maintain stable housing.

[SWACH]: What is your favorite part of your job?
[Karnoski]: The favorite part of the job for me is connecting with individuals and helping them to reach their goals. Also, being a support and “Cheer Leader” for individuals.”

[SWACH]: What is the most challenging?
[Karnoski]: “It can be very challenging sometimes for individuals to take the reins and lead the way to their goals. Sometimes it is difficult for our participants to see themselves succeeding, this is why holding hope and cheering on is an important part of the work we do.”

[SWACH]: What’s a story/experience that has stuck with you from your job?
“A story that has stuck with me is, one of my first clients is a 74yr old Chuukese individual. We were able to help this client move in to stable housing rather quickly working with a partner agency. Just seeing him so happy and thankful for his new home is such a great thing to be a part of.”

[SWACH]: How has the cohort/shared learning spaces impacted your work?
“By attending the training I have learned a great deal of skills I use every day, as well as made very important connections with people doing the same work in this community as well as other communities. It is great to be able to discuss different skills and techniques that can help better serve our participants. “


HealthConnect July Updates


June’s the More You Know